Conference S/ash

The Slash / conference is bringing together different perspectives that are virulent at the end of life: Care, language, religion, design and art. Experts from the respective fields will discuss the question of how these perspectives interact at the end of life. The slash [slæʃ] stands for different relationships and perspectives. In the Slash Talks, the speakers enter into conversation with each other and with the audience. The debate is about how the end of life can be shaped: How can the dying, carers, relatives and other participants shape the end of life together?

Among other presentations the series of works “nor here nor there – video performances by Eva Wandeler”, which was realised in the research project “Settings of Dying – An interdisciplinary perspective 2020–2023” and is currently on display at the Stadtspital Waid, will be presented at the conference (see programme).

Date: 19 MARCH 2021 / The conference will take place online!

Please download programme here

Click here to register!

For further questions:

Organised by the SNF research project of the Bern University of Applied Sciences (Bern University of the Arts and Dept. of Health) and the Zurich University of the Arts. In cooperation with the Centre for Palliative Care, Stadtspital Waid and Triemli.

Eintritt frei.