2004 / room installation / inflatable pillows and bungee cord / in collaboration with Johanna Altherr / Appenzeller Frauenaufzug, Teufen
Bubbles an installation of cushions – they hang from the ceiling on rubber ropes – like bubbles in a room. The visitors of the exhibition could sit down on them and let their thoughts float.
How do women’s worlds manifest themselves in Appenzellerland? In 2004, the anniversary celebrations of the AR Women’s Center gave reason to reflect on the history, present and future of art and culture and to make this reflection accessible to a broad public. The arsenal in Teufen was transformed into an open vessel in which “different ovaries and their offshoots” could find space. Various female artists from different cultural fields (architecture, fine arts, film, literature, music, dance) were invited to work on topics appropriate to the occasion in a variety of contributions.
Curated by: Ursula Badrutt Schoch (Herisau), Eva Keller (Herisau), Agathe Nisple (Appenzell), Ursula Palla (Zurich), Ruth Schläpfer (Zurich)