
Video HD, 23:05 min loop, 48″ monitor, dichroic mirror foil, 2024

Note: reflection filmed from a dichroic film (colour-changing film)

The video performance «endless_frictions» deals with mental derailments in times of mourning and the concept of waves of grief. The performer used traditional gestures of mourning, which were filmed from a reflective, dichroic foil (colour-changing foil). In ancient cultures, the mirror, the mirror image, also symbolised the soul and in Ancient Egypt ‘mirror’ also meant ‘life’. Depending on the mythological concept, a mirror could also be used to capture and hold a person’s soul. The distortions and deformations of the mirror image caused by the movements of the foil and the body visualise psychological distortions and states – the body, the image, expands, doubles, becomes blurred and sometimes deformed to the grotesque. Through the different sequences of movement, space and body dissolve, creating a kind of ‘plastic’ metamorphosis, merging into one another and drawing a fluid path of movement of body and soul.